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What Senior Infants Have Been Up To!

By 9th September 2022News, Senior Infants

Senior infants have been very busy since we returned to school, learning and having lots of fun too! Our theme this month is “Homes” so we tried to incorporate that into a lot of our learning activities. Check out a few snippets of what we have been up to!

We have been doing lots of fine motor tasks during morning activities to get our hands nice and strong for writing.

In art we drew self portraits!

In English we learned the story of Hansel and Gretel – we designed our own ginger bread house and learned what characters and settings were!

In aistear we had a lot of fun in the home corner!

We had lots of messy fun pouring, measuring, emptying and imagining we were baking at the tuff tray!

In small world we played with different types of homes including animal homes!

We built and designed some really cool types of homes in Construction!

We have been very busy and looking forward to lots more learning next week!