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Junior Infants

Class Blog for Junior Infants

Sports day 2022

A huge thank you to all staff, parents and children who made our Annual Sports Day such an enjoyable event for everyone. We had fantastic weather and the children gave an exhibition of sporting skills throughout the day.

A special note of thanks to our parental photography team who captured the day beautifully in this video.

Have a look to see how we got on:


Check out this folder to view some of the photos taken:

Sports day 2022 Website

Yard Transformation in Harcourt Terrace E.T.N.S.

A huge thanks to all the parental volunteers who organised a big clean up on Saturday. The new plants and trees have been really appreciated by everyone in our school community. As well as that our parental community received fantastic stencils for yard markings which have really enhanced the children’s enjoyment during breaks. Well done to the parental volunteers who worked in partnership with David at the Dublin City Sport and Well-being Partnership on this initiative. Also Johnstones in Rathmines donated the paint used in this project which we we really appreciate. Harcourt Terrace E.T.N.S is a community of people and children, and that is what makes our school great.
Maith sibh!




Our Bread Bake Off!

As part of our Aistear topic about the farm we read the story of The Little Red Hen. We learned how she baked her own bread. In writing we found out all about instructions and together we wrote some instructions for how to make bread. The children were fantastic following the instructions and did some amazing baking. Dan and Lori came to our classroom to judge the best bread! All the children enjoyed tasting the bread that they had made and said it was “Super delicious!”.

Student Council meet with our P.G.T.A to discuss our yard!

Today in Harcourt Terrace our active Student Council met with representatives of the P.G.T.A to discuss how to lay out some yard markings for our playground area. The children all decided through a democratic process. Thanks to the the parent representatives for including our Student Council in this important decision. As the saying goes “nothing about us, without us”.

The P.G.T.A will be assembling on Saturday from 11Am-3PM to paint the yard markings onto the ground via the stencils we kindly received this week. If you can lend a hand please get in touch with the P.G.T.A and pop along on Saturday.

Newly elected Student Council in HTETNS!

Today in Harcourt Terrace E.T.N.S our newly elected student council met for the first time to make two very important decisions. The student council has two representatives from every class in the school.

They decided that the school will pursue the Green flag as our next new initiative following on from the Amber flag. Further information on the Green flag is available here: Green-Schools – Working together for a sustainable future (


The second important decision taken was our school motto on well-being was decided. The motto is: “If you see someone without a smile give them yours.” This motto was created by Junior and Senior Infants. All classes put forward a motto but the student council thought that this was the best one for our school.

The Student council will meet every fortnight to make important decisions. As the saying goes “Nothing about us without us”.

Well done to all involved!