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Second Class Learning

Have a look at what we have been up to recently!

Science and STEM:

In Science, we investigated floating and sinking and how and why a boat floats. We made our own boats out of paper, some were successful and some were not but we learned a lot!

We did a STEM challenge where we used only one piece of paper to create a column that would hold up the heaviest books in our class. We all used different strategies and really used our engineering brains!


In Maths we had a lot of fun recently doing a Maths Trail in our car park. We collected data on the colours of cards, the make, the year and what county they came from. All of the cars in our carpark were from Dublin except for one from Kerry! Black was the most popular colour and Ford was the most popular make of car.

In Learn Together we recently learned about the Buddhist festival of Wesack. We made lanterns to celebrate this festival and learned about the life of Buddha.

During Autism Awareness month our class word was “Inclusion” we created a collaborative e sign to represent this.

Finally, during May we wrote some Poems check some of them out here!