Senior Infants Take A Trip to the Post Office!


Today Senior Infants took a walk to our local Post Office in Rathmines. We posted our very own letters and we had great fun!

We had lots of practice this term in our Post Office Role Play Area so we knew exactly what to do. We had practiced our writing skills, addressed letters, stuck on stamps, delivered them to our friends and role played lots of different scenarios in the Post Office.


This week we worked on writing a letter to send to a family member and got our letters ready with our address and stamp on them. We set off this morning walking carefully through Rathmines to the Post Office.

When we got to the Post Office we met the Post Office Manager Gary who was happy to tell us all about what they do everyday and answer all our questions. He assured us that our letters we posted today would arrive by tomorrow! He told us about how all the letters go to the sorting office and get sorted into Dublin 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 etc. Most of our letters are staying in Dublin 6 so we are making it very easy for the sorting office!

We had a lot of fun going to the counter to hand over our letter to Chloe who stamped them with the official Post Office stamp!


We had great fun today and learned even more about how the Post Office works!