

Friendship Week in HTETNS

Check out our video of another successful friendship week in HTETNS!


We had a great week of co-operative games, playground fun, song singing, and activities in the class to build friendship.

Thanks to fourth class who presented at our friendship week assembly and sang us a wonderful song about friendship.



A day out at Glenroe Farm!

Junior and Senior Infants had a wonderful day for their school tour to Glenroe farm. From the double decker bus to feeding goats it was fun from start to finish!

We started off the day bright and early by travelling on the bus to Wicklow. We had lots of fun on the bus singing songs, playing I-Spy and watching the countryside around us.


When we arrived at the farm we had a quick snack with our friends and then we were ready to see the animals!

We were so excited to explore the farm and get to pet and feed all the different animals.

We saw goats, sheep, pigs, guinea pigs, rabbits, horses, alpacas and lots more!

After a lot of fun with the animals it was time to enjoy the playground!



We had a fantastic day and were so lucky to have beautiful weather all day too.

We are already looking forward to next years school tour!

Sports Day 2023

What an amazing day we had last Friday for Sports Day. It was a lovely community event and we loved having parents and guardians there to cheer the children on and share in the fun of the day.

It was a day of sunshine, sports, fun, bubbles and ice-cream! Some of our favourite things here at HTETNS!

Check out this video with a selection of pictures from the day showcasing our amazing students in action.



Creative Schools in HTETNS

We are so lucky at Harcourt Terrace to be partaking in the Creative Schools initiative this year.

We have had a wonderful two weeks enjoying a range of fantastic activities guided by our creative associate Bethan Parkes.

From K-Pop workshops to painting the walls of our school creativity has been flowing all over the school!

We started our Creative Fortnight with a drama workshop with Janine. The children absolutely loved this and so much fun trying out different kinds of drama skills. Each class worked on something different which gave the teachers lots of ideas to share and try out again!

Next we moved on to some visual art with Bethan! We created circles to display in our school lobby, we experimented with types of painting, explored different materials, we worked with geometric shapes, and got to work painting the walls of our school making it bright and beautiful.

The next time you visit our school keep your eyes peeled for some of this beautiful art around the building!

Our next creative activity was a K-pop workshop with Orna. This was something new for a lot of our students and they absolutely loved it. It was so much fun moving to the music and expressing ourselves through dance!

1st, 2nd and 3rd class also got to experiment with different instruments thanks to David who ran a workshop for our students with some of his own musical instruments.

Finally, we worked on our whole school project of creating bunting to display in our school. Each child in our school created their own individual piece which will be all tied together to represent our unique and individual school community. The children really enjoyed working with fabric and decorating their piece however they liked.

We ended the two weeks with a special performance from the Army Band. We got to learn about all the different instruments in the band and listen, sing and dance to some amazing music.

What a wonderful two weeks of music, dance, art and creative expression we have had! We are very thankful to be a part of this initiative and a special thank you to our Creative Associate Bethan and Ronnie and Siobhán who have facilitated and supported the organisation of these amazing experiences.


Home Language Stories at School

We were very lucky to have some parents come to school to read stories to the classes in their home languages. Thank you so much to Akemi, Bríd, Caroline, Diana, Edurne, Elena, Emin, Indrani, Jennifer, Nazli, Ramsha and Sylwia.

The children loved hearing all of the different languages, especially when it is mum or dad reading!


World Book Day 2023

We certainly had some interesting new pupils in school on Friday as we celebrated World Book Day. The children had the most wonderful day wearing costumes and describing their favourite book characters. The celebrations really sparked the children’s interest and love of reading. Please enjoy the photos below. We love books!




Senior Infants Take A Trip to the Post Office!


Today Senior Infants took a walk to our local Post Office in Rathmines. We posted our very own letters and we had great fun!

We had lots of practice this term in our Post Office Role Play Area so we knew exactly what to do. We had practiced our writing skills, addressed letters, stuck on stamps, delivered them to our friends and role played lots of different scenarios in the Post Office.


This week we worked on writing a letter to send to a family member and got our letters ready with our address and stamp on them. We set off this morning walking carefully through Rathmines to the Post Office.

When we got to the Post Office we met the Post Office Manager Gary who was happy to tell us all about what they do everyday and answer all our questions. He assured us that our letters we posted today would arrive by tomorrow! He told us about how all the letters go to the sorting office and get sorted into Dublin 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 etc. Most of our letters are staying in Dublin 6 so we are making it very easy for the sorting office!

We had a lot of fun going to the counter to hand over our letter to Chloe who stamped them with the official Post Office stamp!


We had great fun today and learned even more about how the Post Office works!