

Trip to Belgrave Square

This week in 2nd Class we made the most of the beautiful Spring weather and headed off to Belgrave Square. On the way we spotted some signs of Spring such as daffodils that were ready to bloom!

Our favourite part of the park was the playground – check out the pictures below. We’re so lucky to have this amazing resource so close to the school and we hope to return soon!


Supermarket Sweep!


Junior Infants had a busy morning today heading to our local Lidl in Rathmines!

We have been learning all about the Supermarket in Aistear and role-playing supermarket situations so it was great to put our learning to good use today.

We started the week by writing a list for the Supermarket in our Literacy lesson and using our phonics sounds to sound out the words we needed.

We headed off early this morning and remembered to bring our list and our shopping bags!

When we got to the shop we first had a look at some of the things we had been learning about in class – we spotted the baskets, trolleys, self-checkout, till, cashier and the aisles.

Next we set off in our groups, each group had one thing highlighted on their list to find.

After that came the exciting part, we headed up to the tills to pay for our goods!

We put our items on the belt, gave the money to the cashier and received our change and receipt. We made sure to bag up our items to carry back to school.


Luckily, one of the things on our list was chocolate so we all got to enjoy a chocolate treat for all our hard work when we got back to class! 🙂

Healthy Eating Week 2024!

Second Class really enjoyed Healthy Eating Week 2024.

We had a fruit workshop, learned the Irish names for some exotic fruits, drew a selection of green foods to add to our whole school display and learned the importance of ‘eating the rainbow’!

Check out these pictures from our fruit workshop. Delicious!


Peace Proms at the RDS

On Sunday, 4th February, our 4th Class students performed in Peace Proms 2024. After months of practice and preparation, the show took place in the RDS Arena, Simmons court, Dublin 4.

The incredible performance featured 2,000 students from schools all over the island of Ireland. Our students were accompanied on the night by our staff Tony, David, Áine and Ann. Our students eagerly sang and danced along while the Cross Border Youth Orchestra played a plethora of popular songs such as ‘Pompeii’ by Bastille, ‘We Are One’ by Wild Youth and pop, dance and musical medleys.

The highlight of the night was when Alisha Weir, star of Matilda The Musical, made a surprise appearance. Alisha took to the stage to perform the song ‘Naughty’ from the musical. What a special moment for our students!

Our 4th Class students performed excellently on the night and did our school extremely proud! Thank you to the many parents that attended the show and who also danced the night away. As we sang on the night “Making memories together, we’ll remember this forever” – and Sunday night is certainly a night that our 4th Class students, teachers and families will never forget!

Huge congratulations to everyone involved!

January in Junior Infants!

January has been a very busy and very fun month for Junior Infants!

Check out some of the things we have been up to:

In January we started Hurling with Coach Jenny. We have loved building these new skills and we might even have some future Dublin players on our hands!

In January our theme for our Aistear was the supermarket and food! We had a lot of fun playing in the role play area and also used it to inspire our writing we have practiced writing shopping lists and here we are writing labels for the food in the supermarket. Check out our amazing phonics work.


We also experienced healthy week this month and we had a lot of fun trying fruits in class and thinking of words to describe them like squishy, slimy, chewy and delicious! We ate pineapple, mango, melon, kiwi, oranges, apples, bananas, grapes, blueberries, raspberries and strawberries.


In January we also started a new creative area in Aistear – Junk Art! We have loved used recyclable materials to make our wonderful creations.

This month we also welcomed our first two Mystery Readers! We have absolutely loved the excitement of finding out who will visit to read us a story and we look forward to lots more mystery readers.

What a great month we have had! 🙂

HTETNS 4th Class Students Attend Peace Proms Workshop


Last Thursday, 7th December, our 4th Class students were invited to a workshop to practise songs for their upcoming Peace Proms performance.

The students have been very busy in class practising various songs including Pompeii by Bastille and many medleys of popular dance and pop songs as well as songs from famous musicals such as The Little Mermaid and Matilda. On Thursday, the students took a bus to the National Indoor Arena in Snugborough, Co. Dublin.

Students really enjoyed the opportunity to sing along with thousands of other students from schools all over Dublin and other counties. Our students will continue to work on their songs and dance moves for the performance which will take place in the RDS Arena on 4th February. We can’t wait!

Aistear Activities

Senior Infants have had a busy few months! During this time, they have engaged in Aistear.  Have a look below at some of their aistear experiences from this year.

Aistear aims to provide enjoyable and challenging learning experiences through play learning, so that all children can grow and develop as competent and confident learners. Senior Infants have engaged in many types of play including creative, imaginary, small world, and constructive play.

They have also explored themes such as ‘All about Me’, ‘Autumn’ and ‘The Post Office’ through their play. These play experiences have been really fun and engaging!