
First Class

Class blog for 1st class

Assembly Friday 18th November

We had a very busy assembly with lots of exciting news and performances on Friday.

First, we heard an update from two Greens Schools Committee about the process.


Then, we got to see our new Student Council all together for the first time! They are all very excited to have been elected and are looking forward to the responsibilities that come with this new role.


Next, 1st Class performed a call and repeat song called Toom-Bah-Ee-Lero and they did a great job!

Finally the principal’s awards were presented to all the boys and girls that earned them this week for following the Golden Rules! Well done everyone!

October in 1st Class

We had a super October in 1st Class and we did so many fun activities and lots of learning.

As part of SPHE we learned about healthy eating and foods that help boys and girls grow. As part of this lesson the class made healthy sandwiches. They loved making their own sandwich and putting whatever they wanted in it.  They were all so good for trying new vegetables that they hadn’t tried before.


We had such fun for our Halloween Dress Up Day. We played games, listened and danced to Halloween music and did lots of Halloween arts and crafts.

We did lots of great maths and had Maths Week in the middle of October. We have been working on number sentences and addition. We did maths trails and maths games stations which the class loved.

First class have been doing hurling for the last few weeks and got to try football in October which will continue in November.

In English the class are getting more and more confident with their cursive handwriting and writing their news and stories independently. They have been working on remembering their capital letters and full stops in sentences. We have learned about recount and report writing so far.

The boys and girls have been so great with engaging with the choice board on Wednesdays and below are a few photos.

We’ve also fit in some time in the Calm Area outside for some fun bonding time as a class.

Diwali celebrations this week!

We had a great time in HTETNS this week learning all about Diwali.

So many nice activities went on in each class, including learning about Hinduism and Sikhism, making decorations and cards for celebrating Diwali and learning about traditions associated with the festival.

Here are a few photos from different classes in the school showing all the fun that was had.

We hope those who celebrate in our school community had a lovely Diwali.

Assembly and Friendship Week

We had a great assembly today to finish our Friendship Week. Senior infants led the singing of our song for this month for Learn Together and did a great job. Check out the video and photos below.

After the great performance Dan presented this week’s principal awards. Congratulations to all the boys and girls who received a certificate this week!

The boys and girls in all the classes had a fantastic Friendship Week and below are a few photos of the different activities that went on. Classes made friendship cards, did collaborative colouring projects, played lots of team building games and loads more!

Welcome Back 1st Class!

We’ve had a great couple weeks back in 1st class so far. The boys and girls have settled into the new classroom and are loving it. They are doing super work in all subjects and are getting used to the longer day! We have done lots of fun lessons and are learning a lot already. Check out the photos below to see what we have been up to!